(Kelseynco.blogspot.com Disclosure Policy)
KELSEYnCO.blogspot.com is a personal blog written by Girlie, a Licensed Philippine Real Estate Broker, Entrepreneur, Engineer, and a passionate mom & wife who aims to create opportunities and explore the goodness of life- in the Philippines.
This policy is valid from 19 August 2008. KelseynCo.blogspot.com blog accepts cash/paid advertising, sponsorship, insertions and/or information, and other forms of compensation. While the author of this blog commends, provides information, promotes and/ or feature products and services as a sole view and opinion, unless otherwise stated, any information on posts created for a specific product and services, particularly those tagged as paid advertisement/s, should be verified first with the manufacturer, provider, or the party concerned. KelseynCo.blogspot.com and its author/s SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES resulting to any damage, lost and/or misconception, particularly misrepresentation/s of the concerned post/s.
Best-Buys Real Properties are attended by a Licensed Brokers and Accredited Agents so CLIENTS/BUYERS/SELLERS need not worry, as we handle projects and information under STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY and FAIR MARKET VALUE. Because KelseyNCo Properties Online conforms with the Philippine RESA LAW.
We do not accept payment/s in cash or in kind as a form of partial and/or full payment/s for the properties concerned without proper representation at the duly designated offices and/ or banks of the Developers and Owners of the mentioned ad/s. Thus, readers and/or buyers assume all the risks in taking part for a misrepresented transactions.
As a Licensed Practitioner -WE CARE FOR YOUR DREAMS. Thus, we would like to inform our BUYERS that ALL ADS under KelseyNCo "Properties Online" must undergo the following standard buying procedure:
1. BUYERS to INQUIRE availability and schedule for a meeting, by calling or sending us an email at our VALID (and updated) contact details for your chosen property. Text inquiries are most welcome provided that you include your FULL NAME/ the ACTUAL FULL NAME OF THE BUYER, we prefer DIRECT BUYERS ONLY to transact with us.
3. BUYERS of Residential or a Commercial Condominium may INQUIRE with us for the UPDATED STATUS/Availability of the property listed on KelseyNCo. For RESERVATIONS, BUYERS may opt to pay in the form of Post Dated Cheque under the name of the actual owner/ developer or in CASH at the cashier's office of the Developer.
For PAGIBIG Financing- buyers are advised to go to PAGIBIG Main Office or Satellite offices, and/or official website of PAGIBIG- to process individually the necessary requirements.
CASH Buyers can pay at the Developer/ FSBO Owner at the agreed Bank.
7. All payment transactions shall be ACCEPTED at the office/ actual site of the Developer or the FSBO agreed location/ bank with corresponding receipt issued by our Affiliates.
8. We prefer DIRECT BUYERS only. OCWs need to have a Special Power of Attorney, while Foreigners (Holding a Foreign Passport) can acquire Condominium Property. Requirements may vary based on the financing concern and payment option.
Girlie Vea, admin-writer of KelseynCo blog together with our contributing writer/ s, shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred through any of the real property listings, products, and/or services as posted from our KelseynCo blog published in http://www.kelseynco.blogspot.com.
If you have questions, suggestions and comments, and transactions to offer, please feel free to contact or email us.
Girlie Vea